Sunday, March 6, 2016

Portland Public Schools TAG Advisory Committee Meeting (Tues. 3/8/16 6:30 p.m.)

The Portland Public Schools TAG Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 8th. at 6:30
in the Mazama Conference Room of the Blanchard Education Service Center, 501 N. Dixon St.

The agenda is below.

TAGAC Meeting Agenda for March 8, 2016
If you would like to offer suggestions for future agendas, please contact the Chair, Scholle McFarland (email:, the Vice-chair, Nicole Iroz-Elardo (email: or the PPS TAG Office
(phone: 503-916-3358).
1. Sign-in sheet (Being passed around. Please read introduction and return to the Chair.)
2. Agenda
3. Draft minutes of previous meeting (February 9, 2016)

Please note: Childcare is available for this meeUng in the room across the hall.
I. Call to Order and Preliminaries 6:30 (5 min)
1. Call for additional agenda items
2. Approval of previous meetings’ minutes.
3. Announcements
II. Old Business and Unfinished Action Items (AI) 6:40 (45 min)
1. (AI: Andrew Johnson, TAG Department) Update on SSA
2. (AI: Andrew Johnson, TAG Department) Update on pilot programs
III. New Business 7:00 (30 min)
• Update (Andrew Johnson, TAG Department): Progress getting parent information (FAQ, identification timeline) on new
Web site.
• Update (Andrew Johnson, TAG Department): Progress with TAG Department Budget
• Discussion: High School Forecasting forms
IV. Questions from Guests 7:50 (10 min)
V. Adjourn 8:00

Tuesday April 12, 2016
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.