Monday, November 3, 2014

City Club Friday Forum (11/7/14) - Meeting Our Schools on their Edges to Align Action

This session is of interest to anyone who has a stake in how our education system works will want to sit in on this discussion of the unique partnership described below.  Reservations are required by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 11/4/14 and prices vary according to member, non-member, etc.

Brenda Ray Scott

Meeting Our Schools on their Edges to Align Action (Location & Time Change)
Buy your lunch tickets by 5pm on Tuesday, November 4
with Carmen Rubio (Executive Director, Latino Network), Wim Wiewel (President, Portland State University), Rob Saxton (Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, Oregon Department of Education) and Dan Ryan (CEO, All Hands Raised).
Friday, November 7 at Portland State University, Smith Memorial Student Union, Smith Ballroom 3rd Floor
Learning doesn't begin and end in the classroom. Transforming children into educated, independent adults is the job of the entire community. Multnomah County is setting a national and regional example for what it looks like when adults come together to change behaviors to impact educational outcomes for all our children and youth from birth to career. The All Hands Raised Partnership brings together our six school districts with leaders from the county, city, businesses, nonprofits and higher education partners to help individuals and organizations understand their own role, as well as how they fit together collectively to benefit the success of all youth in our community. Three years into the Partnership, what does it really look like for a community to share responsibility, accountability and credit for helping every student succeed?
TIME CHANGE: Doors at 11:15am; Program begins at 12:00pm. Reservations are required for lunch.
Reservations close TOMORROW, TUESDAY, November 4 at 5:00pm. Click here to reserve your lunch ticket. Event tickets are $23 for both members and nonmembers.
There will be NO coffee/tea option for this event, general admission will be free-- first come; first serve.
LOCATION CHANGE: The November 7 event is a Friday Forum that will be held after All Hands Raised Raising Our Hands: Raising the Bar summit atPortland State University, Smith Memorial Student Union, Smith Ballroom on the 3rd Floor. 1825 SW Broadway, PortlandClick here for more information on attending the whole summit.

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